Monday, June 25, 2012

In the midst of the heat

It's been almost a week since I last posted anything here. It's not due to laziness this time but just that I can't find the right time to just sit down and type it all out. Today is a rather lazy Monday. No excitement, no enthusiasm. Just nothing at all. Walking and feeling through my day as a zombie. I think that I'm forever feeling sleepy no matter how much I have slept. Is that just me or what?

School went fine. New topic in Accounting which I currently find easy but as time passes, I'm pretty sure that I'm going to take back all my words about this being rather easy. Positively sure! Had 1/3 part of Accounting Test on Saturday and I can say that it was pretty tough.. nobody whom I knew or asked got the figures or amounts balance. Right... a few more coming up and I don't see why I'm looking forward to it. I'm feeling that the first part of this week is going to be a little challenging for me and hopefully for the second half, it's all gonna be okay and relaxing. HAHA!!

The weather today is hot as usual.. or hotter? I don't know why that the weather in Brunei is like this all of a sudden. The sun is always out, minimum clouds, blazing and shining brightly, no rain, not much wind except for some times. I wonder if the Sun is getting closer to the Earth or is the Earth getting closer to the Sun? I bet the Earth is also sweating buckets while saying this. The weather is just unpredictable at times because after saying that the sun is out, the rain might fall the next second. It's like I jinxed it by saying it. Haha! Well, I'm not God who knows when the sun or rain will be out but for one thing that I'm sure is that I must be grateful for this weather while other places might be freezing cold. (I think I would like that... or not) :P

I'm going to end this short post with a video. This video is just so sweet. She's beautiful, no more the tomboy image that we used to know. All grown up. :') Ella wrote this song about being thick-skinned, chasing after her own love.

With love,

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