Friday, November 23, 2012


Yeap, you've guessed it! Judging by the title of this post, I've got my FREEDOM back! I'm finally done with my A Level exams and I'm really happy and relieved about that. The past 2 months have been a really challenging and stressful period but now, it's over! I've been looking forward to the end of my exams for as long as I could remember.

I finished my last paper on Wednesday afternoon. The feeling of me, actually finishing my exams, didn't quite hit me just yet until the very next day. I spent my Thursday morning yesterday, back in school, to complete all the documents and things necessary for me to leave school. When I returned my locker back to the school administration, it hit me that it's real now, it's the end.

Oh, and a BIG THANK YOU to Kenny for being such a great friend, driving us out to get the things we needed done and to Dean, for being a nice company the whole time. :) I think I'll miss this a little. The school life, the friends, the escapades. It's the memories that binds us all together. 

Anyway, I watched Pitch Perfect yesterday afternoon at the Times Cineplex. I think that this new Times Cineplex would be my new cinema to hang. It's really convenient since my dad's office is just nearby. I get to spend my free time waiting at the office instead of spending $7 on a cup of coffee so that I can wait at the coffee place to kill time until my transport to come fetch me.

Pitch Perfect was AWESOME! Haha.. kidding you, NOT. I love movies like these, all the singing, the chick fights, the music, the good amount of romance = good chick flick. I loved how they mixed and mash up their songs. I like the actresses and actors. Any movie with Rebel Wilson in it, is worth watching. So far, all the movies that I've watched with Rebel Wilson in it has not disappointed me. It's just hilarious! Oh, and the actor Skylar Astin, a fresh face, who plays Jesse in the movie has this nerdy kind of cuteness. :)

Other than that, I started reading "Catching Jordan" by Miranda Kenneally yesterday. This book was lent to me by Maria a few months back but due to my studies, I couldn't really find the time to read it. But when I started reading it, I CANNOT PUT THE BOOK DOWN! That was just how good and captivating the book was!

I found myself giggling, laughing, tearing up, getting angry and frustrated as I was reading the book through. I have the habit of putting myself into the shoes of the character, which allows me to fully understand the story better. It has a nice story plot with a good amount of high school football and a little bit of high school romance. A great read and I recommend it. :)

I finished the book this morning. Time taken to finish this book, less than 4 hours. I'm liking this author. This book was my first from Miranda Kenneally and I'll definitely be looking out for more of her books now.

This is how I spent the last couple of days post-exam. It's wonderful and I have more activities lining up for me which I can't wait! Looking forward to the fun except for the dental appointment which I have for tomorrow afternoon. I never liked dentists. 

Having a ball,

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