Saturday, September 15, 2012

Oppa Gangnam Style & Oppa Brunei Style

This week has been super hectic for me.I'm not sure about the others but I'm mentally and physically exhausted. It's been a full week of school, lessons and assignments. Oh the bore. So, nothing interesting or fun has happened to me this week. D-day is arriving soon, counting down fast by the days that seem to zoom by. I, for one, do not look forward to my finals and I'm not as ready as I think I should be.

Moving on. These days, I'm sure many of us have heard about this South Korean singer, Psy, whose song and music video, Oppa Gangnam Style. If you have not heard of it, I think you must have been living under a rock. I've heard this song much earlier on since it's initial release. It wasn't such a big hoo-ha then as it is now. From my honest opinion, this song is not bad and it's pretty catchy plus, I like Psy's music since years ago (YG Family for the win!) and songs from YG can't be any bad. <--- Okay, this is K-pop talk. Only a K-popper would understand.

However, since the song and the music video went viral on the internet and all  recently, I feel that this song has been overplayed. Not that I don't like the song but I hear it ALL the time on the local radio stations and music channels on TV that it's been getting a little irritating for me. There's pros and cons about this though. The good thing is that Oppa Gangnam Style would expose many people to K-pop and K-pop would benefit from this really. One of the cons would be that, with so many people overplaying this song, it will slowly lose it's significance and make people feel indifferent about it.

So, for people who have yet to watch the Music Video of "Oppa Gangnam Style" or wants to watch it again, here it is.

I think that this music video is pretty interesting, taking a side which not many Korean artistes take. Psy is a unique individual in the Korean Music industry as well. Oppa Gangnam Style features Psy's famous "horse dance", just like SNSD's Gee having it's "crab dance". 

Many of the people like this song however, there are some who can't seem to appreciate such music. Well, everybody has got different taste so no judging here as it's all based on personal preference. If you like this song, then good for you, if not, haters gonna hate. 

Oppa Gangnam Style is getting really popular and crazy by the second that people ALL AROUND THE WORLD are making parodies of this video. Well, I don't think it's any bad to make a parody. There are really some interesting ones out there that I have seen. Well, this doesn't exclude Brunei. A group of young people in Brunei have actually made a parody of Oppa Gangnam Style. In my opinion, it's not bad. The parody showcases some Brunei flavours in it that I think is what that is appealing to others.

Without further ado, I present to you the Brunei's version of Oppa Gangnam Style, the "Oppa Brunei Style"!

Well, this "Oppa Brunei Style" has gain many viewers since it's release yesterday which I think is quite a feat. This parody has actually many positive reviews however, when there's an up, there will always be a down right? Well, you can't please everybody. Anyway, good job to the people in the video. You guys gave a great performance. A forward step in Bruneian entertainment perhaps? :)

Appreciate good music.

p.s. the post here is written in my very own perspective and does not reflect the views of the general public.

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