Thursday, May 2, 2013

Hello May ; Just a little update

So, I've reiterated that I haven't been the most regular person ever to update her blog but it's okay. I blog lazily leisurely as I wouldn't want to pressure myself to produce blog entries, one after another, which then would put me off blogging and it's not like anybody would want to read my posts anyway.

Truthfully, I've never publicised my blog anywhere other than on Twitter, where I'd do a few tweets regarding my postings once in a while. So, if anybody else who's here on my blog reading this right now, not coming here through my Twitter, then you've stumbled into my world. Hello there and welcome :)

I created this blog mainly to keep my writing juice flowing since I haven't been doing a lot of writing since I graduated high school and I wouldn't like my English to deteriorate further than it already has. Pardon my lousy English - I'm not like those good bloggers out there who uses flowery words to enhance the quality of their posts whom I envy (also because I don't know that many of them flowery words to use appropriately :P)

Well, it's May already. Can you believe it?! Because I, for one, didn't exactly realised that we've hit May until I saw the date on my phone when I woke up yesterday morning. What happened to the past 4 months? It flew by so fast that I could hardly savour it.

Nothing really interesting has been going in my life right now. It's the same old peaceful  days passing by, unlike the colourful lifestyle that many of my friends are having being overseas - some studying, some travelling. I would love to be travelling right now. Anybody out there who wants to sponsor my air fares + travelling allowance?

I'm neither an avid risk taker nor an enthusiastic adventure seeker, which explains my  rather mundane lifestyle. Hopefully, life will take a better turn in the later part of the year for me. Right now, I'm fine being where I am. The coming days in May would be pretty busy for me due to certain circumstances. I'm not looking that forward to it but it'll do. I'm so thankful for all the good days I'm having now.

Life is good for now,

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