Thursday, March 28, 2013

Qing Ming in Sabah

I'm currently back in KK with my dad for QingMing (or if translated into English would be "Tomb Sweeping Day"). Well, QingMing this year 2013 would be on the 4th of April but due to the inconvenience, we always have our QingMing earlier than the original date (which would be the 104th day after the winter solstice).

It's said that the Chinese offers food, burns incense, joss sticks and paper gifts, for the departed but my family does not practice this ritual. We'd just do the normal weeding and cleaning of the graves, and gifting of fresh flowers.

It's only for a short couple of days while here in KK. So many things to do in so little time. Oh well. It's the FIRST TIME EVER that I'll be sweeping the tombs in Sabah. I'd usually do it in Brunei all the time since I lived there but since I'm free during this period of time, I decided to tag along with dad and it's worth the experience.

I've heard how much harder it is going to the cemeteries here in Sabah from my dad and aunts because quite a few of the tombs of my ancestors and relatives are situated up among the hills and it's going to be a tough ascend. It's already hard for my aunts and dad, it'll be even worse for me ><

So, let's pray and hope that my family and I would not get hurt or injured anywhere and also that I'll have sufficient stamina and strength to hike up to the tombs.

Peace and love,

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